Nyerere National Park (Selous Game Reserve)


Selous Game Reserve is located in southern Tanzania; it covers an area of approximately 50,000 km2  and it is the largest wildlife reserve in Africa. The reserve was named after the Englishman Sir Frederick Selous who was a famous early conservationist and big game hunter. Due to its rich diversity and undisturbed habitats, Selous Game Reserve was designated a UNESCO heritage site in 1982. The Game Reserve is accessible by light aircraft from Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam; it is also accessible by road throughout the year.

Selous is a place of varied terrains; it contains woodlands, grasslands, river sandbanks, open plains, grass-covered swamps and lowland forests. The mighty Rufiji River follows a winding course through the reserve; its tributaries and small lakes provide a water source for wild animals and a beautiful environment to explore while on a boat safari. The Rufiji river offers one of the best boat safari experience in Africa.

Selous is home to large herds of elephants, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, wildebeests, kudus, sable antelopes, hartebeests, elands, and some of Tanzania’s last remaining black rhinos. Africa’s finest predators such as lions, leopards, hyenas and the endangered African wild dogs roam freely inside the reserve. In fact, Selous is called the land of lions and leopards due to their big numbers. The lions inside the reserve are also particularly strong. Over 450 species of birds also call Selous Game Reserve home.

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