Mikumi National Park


Mikumi National Park is the fourth-largest national park in Tanzania and the most accessible from Dar es Salaam because it is transcended by the paved highway between Dar es Salaam and Iringa. Mikumi is an ideal safari destination because it guarantees year-round wildlife sighting.

Mikumi is located between the Uluguru Mountains and the Lumango range; its landscape is made up of baobab trees, hardwood trees, and grassy plains. The park supports wildebeest, giraffes, buffaloes,  elephants, hippos, zebras, impalas, kudus, lions, leopards, wild dogs and crocodiles. Over 400 bird species have been recorded and bird-watching along the waterways inside the park is very rewarding. If you come to Mikumi aiming to spot the big five(elephant, buffalo, rhino, lion, and cheetah), you will not be disappointed.

The landscape of Mikumi National Parks is often compared to that of the Serengeti due to its savannahs, acacias, and baobabs.

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